Field Day





The Field Day story is a God-sized dream. Crazy. Insane. Unexpected.

...and everything we said we "would never do".

We helped plant a church 2 years ago. That alone can be pretty scary, but then only two weeks later the entire world was filled with fear as the pandemic hit.
Where it started…
Needless to say, we had to pivot dramatically from our original plan of meeting in person to… well… we didn’t know what to pivot to, but we did know a few things. We knew that we wanted to keep people connected and discipled. We knew we couldn’t pull that off by simply live streaming a one hour service weekly. We knew everyone needed to be socially distanced, but we wanted to keep them relationally connected and growing spiritually.

The team thought the best way would be through a church app, but after a lengthy search, we realized that all church apps were either out-of-date technologically or out of reach financially. The out-of-date apps were just the church’s website available through the click of a button. No special features. No real way to connect or disciple. Those apps were focused around the giving feature so that people could give electronically. Once they set up their giving, there was no real reason to engage with the app again. The out of reach apps were cool, but we quickly realized that only the really big churches could afford to build one from the ground up.

At that point, we felt two major emotions. The first emotion we felt was frustration. Frustrated that the Church did not have a meaningful solution to use technology to reach the whole world. The second emotion we felt was passion. Passion to find a way to make really great apps accessible to any church, especially church plants.

How it’s going…
We set out to build an app that could actually help us disciple our people digitally while also connecting them relationally. That’s why we created Field Day.
We didn’t want to just build a “giving app” that had church clothes on. We wanted to create features that encouraged our people to use the app daily or even multiple times a day. We wanted to give ministry teams the ability to create micro-content that they could push to all of their followers. Rather than having to pay to reach their followers on social media.

Everyone on the Field Day team is passionate about ministry. That’s why we don’t view Field Day as a business but as a ministry partner. We don’t have clients, we have family. A family we pray with, check up on, and dream with. We believe in the mission so much that we give the first 10% away to help plant more churches.

We know how scary websites and apps can be. Church apps don’t have to be scary. Let us show you how to replace fear with fun so you can help others with their faith.




For all churches